


 Wednesday, January 29th, 2020

 Courtesy of: Michael Ellis D.C.

 Health Alert: Opioid Use Among Teens a Red Flag for Other Dangers. Questionnaires completed by nearly 14,800 American high school students revealed that 14% had “misused” prescription opioids, and these teens are also at an increased for additional risky behaviors such as abusing other drugs, having unsafe sex, driving while intoxicated, attempting suicide, and carrying a weapon. Pediatrics, January 2020 Diet: Ketone Drink May Help Control Blood Sugar. There is increasing evidence that a low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet can be very effective in controlling blood sugar and even reversing type 2 diabetes. In a recent study involving 15 obese individuals, researchers observed that when participants consumed a ketone drink and then drank a beverage containing 75 grams of sugar 30 minutes later, their bodies were better able to control their blood glucose levels without a change in insulin readings. The findings suggest that ketone supplement drinks have a real potential to be a valuable tool for individuals with type 2 diabetes; however, further research on these drinks and their effect on the metabolism is needed. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, January 2020 Exercise: Music Can Give Your Workout a Boost. A review of data from nearly 140 studies concluded that music not only makes exercise seem easier and more enjoyable, but it can result in a more productive and efficient workout. Psychological Bulletin, January 2020 Chiropractic: Med Students Suffer High Rate of Musculoskeletal Pain. Assessments completed by 440 medical school students revealed that musculoskeletal complaints are common among future physicians. The one-year prevalence of neck, shoulder, and low back pain was 60.9%, 52.5%, and 61.4%, respectively, and the one-week prevalence for these conditions was 44.8%, 39.8%, and 33.4%, respectively. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, December 2019 Mental Attitude: When Wages Increase, Suicide Rates Fall. New research that compared minimum wage and suicide data across the United States over the course of two decades found that for every dollar increase in the minimum wage, the risk for suicide among low-wage workers fell between 3.4%-5.9%. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, January 2020 Wellness/Prevention: Keep Your Child Safe When They are Home Alone. When leaving a child home by himself or herself, the American Red Cross recommends the following: post an emergency phone list where a child can see it; practice emergency plans with your child; remove or safely store dangerous items; make sure medicine is out of a child's reach; make sure your home has working smoke alarms; install safety covers on unused electrical outlets; set ground rules regarding having friends over and cooking; and if your child is not responsible enough to stay home alone, consider options such as childcare programs at schools and youth clubs. American Red Cross, January 2020 Quote: “A bird is safe in its nest - but that is not what its wings are made for.” ~ Amit Ray